Business card size. Sold in pack of 150. Cards can be handed out at the front desk, placed in retail bags, and in pickup in store orders.
NanoSculpt Cards (50 qty): Our recommendation is to hand a NanoSculpt card to anyone who is either (1) a member who hasn’t tried Nanosculpt yet, or (2) anyone who shows interest in the NanoSculpt service.
2.5x2.5" square referral cards (50 qty): to be handed out by staff (skin bosses, receptionists and managers) to members, loyal clients, and new friends. QR code goes to website's Virgin Facial. Staff member can customize their card with name and location before handing it out.
Ken Card (50 qty): is to be handed out to every new client after checkout is complete with the phrase "here's a $20 gift card to our online shop."